“ A farm is more than land and crops,
it’s a family’s Heritage and Future”
Our farming journey started like many others - we longed for the space to raise our own livestock, grow our produce and reap the benefits of our hard work to provide fresh, organic, and humanely raised food for our family. With two young boys we felt it was important for them to understand where their food comes from, introduce responsibility and accountability, and develop a sense of pride for their efforts. Annapolis Valley was where our sights were set and after a few months of searching we came across the perfect property. Originally just a lovely property with a dwelling and garage we quickly got to work to create our vision. A small barn for our horses and a coop for our laying hens however the options were endless... We dove into homesteading by starting with raising our own poultry. Soon after we introduced pigs, and then brought home our small herd of Nigerian Dwarf goats to utilize their dairy. After our first kidding season we were hooked!
It did not take long for us to decide that farming would always be a staple in our lifestyle. As first generation farmers, the constant need for adaption and problem solving fulfills our appetite for learning. Fast forward a few years and we have upgraded infrastructure for growth and are now a fully operational farm, specializing in registered goat sales and meat production. On the farm you will find chickens (layers and broilers), turkeys, pigs, horses and our herd of goats that we tend to year round, along with our family dogs and cat.
Situated just West of the Minas Basin, Tidal Ridge Farm is located on a ridge between the Canard and Habitant rivers which drain into the basin and is well known for it’s extremely high tides.